The Wild Race TV SHOW
Season 2
episode 1 "africa"
episode 2 "relentless"
episode 3 "The beginning"
episode 4 "Traditions"
The primary objective of this show is to identify needs within each community. Jessica works alongside non-profit organizations, local health departments, and local outdoor groups. She enjoys working with local businesses, promoting their business and giving them an opportunity to be a part of our mission.
The Wild Race also enjoys working with various individuals/groups of all backgrounds to be welcomed into the outdoor community and to be educated on the sport of hunting and fishing and hunter’s safety all while giving back. By traveling to each new community, Jessica either is recommended to a specific local organization or works with the local community to identify the local needs.
During each episode, she will share her hunting and fishing adventures and showcase her work within the communities. Each show will focus on bringing full circle Jessica’s passion for the outdoors and her career in healthcare by promoting for the outdoor industry through education and conservation, and utilizing her experience and career in nursing to give back to local communities along the way. This show is not a one-time occurrence rather it aims to build long-term positive outcomes while building ever-lasting partnerships within the communities.